
Digital Nomads

and You.

株式会社 遊行

Japan's first marketing ​firm specializing in the ​digital nomads' market



5 February 2025

10 December 2024

自社で運営するシェアハウス「The Pier | Goto ​Nagasaki」で、「新春 五島列島で始める二地域​居住25%オフキャンペーン」を開始しました。​

九州運輸局主催「離島におけるデジタルノマ​ド受入に向けた Äb0体制整備に関する実証​事業」を企画運営し​ました。

22 OCTOBER 2024

Newsweekに、10月に企画運営を務めた福岡市主​催のデジタルノマド誘致事業「Colive ​Fukuoka2024」について掲載されました。

Our Vision


No matter where you are from, where you learn, or ​where you work, there should always be a "place" ​where everyone can be healthy, comfortable, ​happy, and well-being. Everyone has the right to ​find that place; if someone has yet to arrive where ​they should be, we will all support them with our ​service.

About Us

By forming partnerships with all stakeholders,

including the domestic attraction of overseas digital nomads who work regardless of location, we will ​promote projects and initiatives that bring new economic and social impacts to the region.

Go to our company’s profile.

What we do

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Consulting for Service & Product

Support a new service or product development that should fit the ​digital nomads market.

  • Research | Interview with digital nomads
  • Advice for the development of a new service or product

Branding | Marketing

Support sales with our own strategy, creatives, PR, ads, ​brandings, UIUX...

  • Buy media services or Ads in digital nomad markets
  • Monitoring POC to nomads
  • Create a website, articles, banners, and copies to fit the market.

Market Expansion

Corporate and share our knowledge with JDNA or the ​government to develop this new market

  • Advocate government policies and visas.
  • Research the update in the other countries in terms of visa issues.

Select Projects

Original Blended Aroma

For Nomads


The Pier , Goto Nagasaki

Digital Nomad Economy': A ​month-long Event in fukuoka

we produce "smells" that make you ​feel that the place where you are ​staying is where you are meant to be

Your vision, realized.

Let’s get




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yugyo inc.

株式会社 遊行

yugyo inc. All rights reserved. 2024