News | 17 September 2023 Tokyo, Japan

*Japanese follows English

Japan calling: foreign digital nomads embrace

work and travel lifestyle in Tokyo and beyond

ーSouth China Morning Post-

[Media Coverage]

As an an executive officer of the Japan Digital Nomad Association, our CEO Ryo Oseya's ​comments were featured in the South China Morning Post, a daily English-language ​newspaper published in Hong Kong. The article also featured about the coliving event ​"Colive Fukuoka," aimed at digital nomads and planned by yugyo in Fukuoka City for ​October 2023.

(一社)日本デジタルノマド協会の幹事として、弊社CEO大瀬良亮のコメントが香港で発行されている日刊英字新聞「South China Morning Post」に掲載されました。2023年10月に福岡市で実施する「Colive Fukuoka」についてもご紹介いただいています。

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