News | 17 September 2023 Tokyo, Japan
*Japanese follows English
Japan calling: foreign digital nomads embrace
work and travel lifestyle in Tokyo and beyond
ーSouth China Morning Post-
[Media Coverage]
As an an executive officer of the Japan Digital Nomad Association, our CEO Ryo Oseya's comments were featured in the South China Morning Post, a daily English-language newspaper published in Hong Kong. The article also featured about the coliving event "Colive Fukuoka," aimed at digital nomads and planned by yugyo in Fukuoka City for October 2023.
(一社)日本デジタルノマド協会の幹事として、弊社CEO大瀬良亮のコメントが香港で発行されている日刊英字新聞「South China Morning Post」に掲載されました。2023年10月に福岡市で実施する「Colive Fukuoka」についてもご紹介いただいています。
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