News | 20 October 2023 Tokyo, Japan

*Japanese follows English

CEO Ryo Osera to speak at

"CONFERENCE OF Sharing Economy"”.

Our company's CEO Ryo Osera will speak at the "CONFERENCE OF Sharing Economy". ​It is scheduled to be held on October 27th (Friday) -28th (Saturday), 2023.

■ About About “Shikoku SHARE SUMMIT 2023 in KOTOHIRA ​~CONFFERENCE OF Sharing Economy~"

"CONFERENCE OF Sharing Economy" will approach the "sharing economy" from a ​variety of perspectives, including mobility, work, travel, education, and art, and will build ​the foundation for developing regional strategies for local development by deepening ​learning and understanding among industry, government, academia, and the private ​sector.

On the scheduled appearance date of October 27-28th, a talk session themed "Sharing × ​Coliving, digital Nomads", "Sharing × Traveling".

■ Speaking Details

Date and Time: October 27th (Fri) -28th (Sat), 2023 Session Title:

14:45-16:15 A. "Sharing × Coliving, Digital Nomads"

Moderator: Rei Shu (Kotohira bus co.,ltd.)

Speaker: Pan Xinrong (co-Founder of 9floor), Cath lee (CEO of Ten10 Inc.), Ayumi Ogo ​(Ten10 Inc.), Ryo Osera (CEO of yugyo inc.), Yasujiro Kusunoki (CEO of Kotohira bus ​co.,ltd.)

16:30-18:00 A. "Sharing × Traveling"

Moderator: Riyo Takada (Sharing Economy Association, Japan)

Speaker: Ryo Osera (CEO of yugyo inc.), Naoya Shimizu (CEO of TABIPPO), Kengo ​Moriwaki (CEO of TRAPOL), Yuichiro Nose (CEO of Carstay)

More details: Shikoku-Share Summit 2023 in Kotohira(



■ 「四国シェアサミット」について


移動・働き方・旅・教育・アート など、様々な視点から“シェアリングエコノミー”へアプローチし、​産官学民が共に学び・理解を深めることで地方創生に向けた地域戦略策定の礎を構築できればと考え​ています。




■ 登壇概要

日時: 2023年10月27日(金)



モデレーター:朱麗(琴平バス R&D推進室)

スピーカー:Pan Xinrong(9floor 共同創設者)、Cath lee(点点 代表取締役)

小郷あゆみ(点点)、大瀬良亮(yugyo inc. 代表取締役)

楠木泰二朗(琴平バス 代表取締役)



モデレーター:髙田理世(シェアリングエコノミー協会 地域共生事業部長)

スピーカー:大瀬良亮(yugyo inc. 代表取締役)、清水直哉(TABIPPO 代表取締役)、森脇健吾​(TRAPOL 代表取締役)、野瀬雄一郎(Carstay 取締役CSO)

詳細・お申し込みはこちら:四国シェアサミット2023 in 琴平 (

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