News | 24 October 2023 Tokyo, Japan

*Japanese follows English

CEO Ryo Osera to speak at

“Power of Television Shikoku/Kyushu/Okinawa

Regional Conference 2023 Nagasaki”.

Our company's CEO, Ryo Osera, will speak at the "Power of Television ​Shikoku/Kyushu/Okinawa Regional Conference 2023 Nagasaki". It is scheduled to be held ​on Saturday, October 28th, 2023.

■ About "Power of Television Shikoku/Kyushu/Okinawa ​Regional Conference 2023 Nagasaki"

"With the opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen and other large-scale redevelopment ​projects, Nagasaki is undergoing a period of change that is said to occur "only once in 100 ​years. However, the out-migrants to other prefectures have not stopped, and the ​population decline is accelerating with each passing year. However, some "shining young ​people" have emerged in Nagasaki, such as those who have started their businesses or ​created a movement to revitalize the town. This year's conference will feature a panel ​discussion with Masashi Sada from Nagasaki and young entrepreneurs based in ​Nagasaki. They will discuss the meaning of starting a business in Nagasaki, the city's ​appeal, and uncover the possibilities of a "Nagasaki where young people can shine".

■ Speaking Details

Date and Time: 15:10-16:20 Saturday October 28th, 2023

Session Title: “Rebuild - Local Issues x Young Talent”

Moderator: Masashi Sada, Ryo Osera, Aoi Waki, Ron Iwamoto

More details: “Power of Television Shikoku/Kyushu/Okinawa Regional Conference 2023 ​Nagasaki”


長崎市にて開催される「テレビのチカラ四国・九州・沖縄地区大会2023長崎 『若者が輝ける舞​台へ 今こそ地方のチカラ』(主催:公益財団法人 民間放送教育協会)」に、弊社CEO大瀬良亮が登壇​します。

■ 「テレビのチカラ四国・九州・沖縄地区大会2023長崎」について



■ 登壇概要

日時: 2023年10月28日(土)15:10-16:20 セッション:「Rebuild - 地域課題 × 若いチカラ - 」

パネリスト:さだまさし、大瀬良亮、脇 葵依、岩本論

詳細はこちら:テレビのチカラ 四国・九州・沖縄地区大会2023長崎 | 大会情報 | 公益財団法人 民間​放送教育協会 (

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