Other | 26 December 2023 Tokyo, Japan

*Japanese follows English

CEO Ryo Osera to speak at “Nagasaki-originated! ​Workation to Enhance

Competitiveness and Collaboration vol.3”.

[News] Event speaker information

CEO Ryo Osera will be speaking at a talk event, "Nagasaki-originated! Workation to ​Enhance Competitiveness and Collaboration vol.3", organized by Nagasaki Prefecture ​and planned by the Mainichi Shimbun.

■About "Nagasaki-originated! Workation to Enhance ​Competitiveness and Collaboration vol.3"

This talk event gathers the key persons who are advocating, practicing, and promoting the ​"workstyle not bound by location," which is becoming a global standard. They will discuss ​what are necessary for companies to survive the next generation.

Moreover, real examples will be shared, showcasing the collaboration between companies ​and local governments for workations in Nagasaki Prefecture. This will illustrate the role ​expected of urban companies in solving local challenges.

This event is recommended for companies interested in addressing challenges in local ​areas, those responsible for new business initiatives in companies seeking new business ​opportunities, and individuals promoting cross-industry exchange.

  • Date: February 5, 2024 (Monday) 17:00–20:00
    • Online streaming until 19:00. From 19:00 to 20:00, there will be a networking ​session at the venue.
  • Format: Hybrid broadcast with both offline and online participation
  • Location: Media Do Co., Ltd. Seminar Room, Palace Side Building 5F, 1-1-1 ​Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo / Online
  • Capacity:
    • Offline Participants: 40 people (Deadline for application: February 1, 2024, 17:00)
      • Participation is open to corporate employees in Tokyo who are interested in ​workations in Nagasaki Prefecture. Up to two people per company can apply.
    • Online Participants: 100 people
      • Open to anyone interested in participating.
  • Organizer: Nagasaki Prefecture
  • Planning and Operation: Mainichi Shimbun
  • Fee: Free

■ Speaking Details

  • Time: 17:10–18:00
  • Title: Panel Discussion "The Effects of Cross-border Work from Urban Companies to ​Nagasaki"
  • Details and Registration: https://nextstyle37.peatix.com/







  • 日程:2024年2月5日(月)17:00~20:00
    • オンライン配信は19:00まで。19:00~20:00は会場で懇親会となります
  • 形式:オフライン参加とオンライン参加の【ハイブリッド配信】
  • 場所:東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-1-1 パレスサイドビル5階 ㈱メディアドゥ セミナールーム/オ​ンライン
  • 定員:
    • オフライン会場参加ー40人(2月1日(木)17:00 締切)
      • リアル会場参加は長崎県でのワーケーションに関心のある首都圏等の企業社員様が対象で​す。1社2名様までお申込み頂けます。
    • オンライン参加ー100人
      • どなたでもお申込み頂けます。
  • 主催:長崎県
  • 企画運営:毎日新聞社
  • 参加費:無料


  • 時間:17:10〜18:00 
  • タイトル:パネルディスカッション「都市部企業×長崎 仕事の越境効果で生まれるものとは」
  • 登壇者:箕浦龍一氏(テレワーク・ワーケーション官民推進協議会 会長)、島田由香氏(株式会​社YeeY 共同創業者 代表取締役)、高下徳広氏(一般社団法人 壱岐みらい創りサイト 事務局​長)、大瀬良 亮(株式会社遊行 代表取締役)
  • 詳細・申込はこちら:https://nextstyle37.peatix.com/

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